Saturday, September 21

Movie Review: Nou Otoko (Brain Man)

 In a small town in Japan, a series of seemingly random explosion cases occur. Ichiro Suzuki (Toma Ikuta) known as "Brain Man" is fingered as an accomplice. Midorikawa (Fumi Nikaido) works on the explosion case.
The mysterious man known as "Brain Man" has outstanding memory, high intelligence and a perfect body, but doesn't seem to have human emotions. Neurosurgeon Mariko Washiya (Yasuko Matsuyuki), who has her own personal trauma, believes that human nature is fundamentally good and tries to save criminals. She then becomes interested in Brain Man and works to uncover the truth. Meanwhile, Detective Chaya (Yosuke Eguchi) tracks down Brain Man.(cr: Asian Wiki)

Ok, so i got bored while waiting for the next episode of fluffy adorable rom-com TWdrama Just You to watch this. I've only watched one other Japanese thing before, and that was One Liter of Tears.
This left me so mentally and emotionally exhausted, even though I was watching it using Chinese subtitles. I was screaming and covering my eyes and staring at the computer screen intensely and basically just freaking out.
The story was kind of confusing and at first I had no clue whatsoever what was going on. But then I got into it and wow. The plot is so complex with so many things happening but all fitting together. And it's pretty amazing how Ikuta Toma can play someone that doesn't have any feelings/emotions but still have such intense emotions. And I love how whenever he has an idea or decides to kill someone, he tilts his head.
And all these different disorders.....the only reason I could finish this movie so quickly is because I kept telling myself that this has stuff to do with psychology and therefore I'm doing my psych homework.

[SPOILER] Now let's talk about the ending. Mariko's patient kidnapped another kid even after "succeeding" in the therapy. So is it trying to say that criminals can't actually change? But the mother of that guy indirectly thanked Ichiro Suzuki for killing her son. So if the person killed is evil, then the murder is justified? And he smiled at the end. He actually smiled! So people are inherently good and the good just has be to discovered?
I don't know. But whatever. Awesome movie!!

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