Friday, April 12

Awesome Album: 韩庚-寒更 Hangeng

I've never been a real fan of Hangeng, but I just watched some videos of his 2012 album 寒更/Hope in the Darkness...what is with me and finding things late? Anyways, now I'm totally in love with him.
This album isn't just one breakup song after another. Some of my favorite songs are about breakups, but it's like the dramas where the main female lead is forced to leave the guy. They're nice, but they get boring and cliched. Instead, this album is filled with songs about chasing your dream and meaningful lyrics.
And now I will profess my love to some of the songs. =)

There's one chasing-your-dream song that I really really like. It's 背叛灵魂/Betrayal of the Soul. I don't really know how to describe it. It's about how hard living your life is, and the mv, which is BTS of his other mv, shows just that. It's great. Really.
But my real favorite is 小丑面具/Clown Mask. It talks about the masks people wear in this society. The best lines, imo, is:

小丑面具笑得比谁都更开心 The clown mask smiles more happily than everyone

     But it can't hide the crying eyes.
 The clown mask puts on an innocent expression
催眠你沉睡在无解的梦境     Hypnotizing you with incomprehensible dreams.

Yeah. The world has people that are actually suffering, but try to hide it by being happy. Then there are the fake people who pretend to be you friend and then back-stab you in the end. That's society for you. And the dance is so AMAZING.

And I won't comment much on Hangeng's look for this album...but...Oh My...his hair. I'm not saying that it's not attractive, because it definitely is, but the lighter you bleach your hair, the more it's damaged. So, I feel really bad for his hair. ^-^

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